Journal Prompts: Sobriety

This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 18: Sobriety: Lessons and Guidance from My Sober Journey.

These free journal prompts are here to assist you on your healing journey. If you find that you would like additional support, I am now offering one-on-one healing sessions. For more information, please email or check out Advice Sessions Here.

Journal Prompts:

  • When do I most often pick up a drink?

  • Reflect on the last time you picked up a drink. How were you feeling? Do you remember any of the thoughts running through your head? What did your day look like leading up to that drink?

  • Reflect on your family history with alcohol. Do your parents drink? Do your parents not drink? Do you know of any relatives who struggle with an alcohol problem? Become curious about that.

  • When did you start drinking? Journal about the first time you drank and how it made you feel. Become curious about your first encounter with alcohol.

    • ***Note: Your first encounter with alcohol could have been an experience where someone else was drinking, like a parent or a guardian. If you have a memory arise, journal about this as well.

  • What is a memory that I have been playing over and over again in my head that I need to finally let go of? Journal about this incident. Write down everything you felt then, everything you are feeling now , all the feelings and thoughts that are arising. Am I truly ready to let this go? When you are done write I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I am ready to let this go.

  • I invite you to journal about (and become curious about) your childhood, and how you may be playing out childhood patterns in your adult life.

    • Examples: Did you have an absentee parent? Did your parents get divorced? Were you emotionally, physically, or sexually abused? Did you have a critical parent? Did you have a parent who yelled? Did you have an overly emotional parent? Did you have a parent who was emotionally distant? Did you have a parent who made fun of you and said they were always joking?

  • Is there someone in my life I need to forgive? If so, who is this person? What happened? And am I ready to let this go?

Pick one question, write it in your journal and just let your pen flow. You may go completely off topic when you start journaling and that’s okay! Trust that whatever comes up when you start writing is what you are meant to journal about. When you are done writing. Take a few moments to reread what you wrote and see if you learned anything new about yourself. Journaling is a practice. Be kind and patient with yourself.

Sending you all my love <3

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